Form Sand (Oil Moulding Sand)

This material is especially suited for small mould models that you intend to mould only once or twice. It is much too expensive and time consuming to make a silicon mould for this purpose but , a low-cost mould can be made of oil mould sand and is quickly moulded. Ideal for casting coins, small figurines, reliefs, belt buckles and brooches etc. Fill the Tin Sand into a sturdy Sand Casting box (Part No: AR42686), pack tightly; coat the model with Powder (Part No: AR60627) and place it on top of the sand in the middle of the mould, press firmly. Then, fill the second Sand Casting Box with sand. Pack this layer tightly and place this box exactly on top of the first box. Secure both boxes at the sides with metal pins then press both boxes together firmly. Now press the thin metal tube (enclosed) through the box toward the model and then remove it carefully. This creates a small channel that can be used as a casting duct for the liquid tin. Repeat this procedure at another spot with a slightly thinner tube. This will serve as an airing duct for the air in the mould box. When you pour the liquid tin into the mould it suppresses the air that then flows out of the mould through the thing 'wind duct'. Now separate the two mould halves and remove the model carefully from the mould. Re-work the ducts and place the two sand mould boxes precisely on top of eachother again. You can now pour the liquid tin into the mould. Contrary to silicon moulds, this mould can only be used once. If you wish to mould another replica then you must press the mould casting sand into the box again. This mould sand can be re-used a number of times. Tin Casting Sand is heat resistant up to 1,200°C so you can cast objects made of silver (melting point 960°C) and gold (melting point 1060°C) as well. Size 1Kg.
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